
Simple Life

Simple life…

Disappointment is something that I have decide is a hard thing to live with. Have you ever wanted something so badly in your life that it totally consumed you? I have, and can I tell you it hurts when things don’t quite work out the way you thought they would. Disappointment is a way of life. But it is also something that you have to deal with or it can overwhelm you and render you ineffective for the work that God has for you. Disappointment disconnects you from life, you get so caught up in the way you thought would develop you cannot see how an awesome God can use the disappointments to ensure His Holy and perfect will is carried out. Every moment of everyday each believer should have a desire to be connected with life! The scriptures teach us “Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men”. (John 1:4) We know the Life that scripture is talking about is none other than Jesus. He truly is the light of the world! We need to seek life. As we receive life from Him our emptiness will be replaced with all that He has promised. He will never leave you or forsake you! He has our best interest at heart and in hand! I want to challenge you today to empty yourself of self, and fill up with the Light of the world, the King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s. I love you all <><

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