
opportunities abound

I am sitting here in my easy chair wishing that I had not eaten so much at Christmas dinner. I love fellowshipping around the table, this year we were again privileged to have our good friends Carl and Debbie Woodall join us. What we have in common are the most wonderful grand babies on the planet! Our meal was superb, Sheila is such a wonderful cook and watching the kids was the high light of the night! Sitting here now, wishing that I had not eaten so much, and looking forward to a new year. I wonder what God has planned for my family in 2009. I am excited at the possibilities! I am ready to “chase some lions”. My desire is to tell more people about Jesus. I want to build some new relationships in my community and I want mend some old ones and restore fellowship. I want to better equip those that I minister to, to do real ministry! I believe that the 21st century church is way under challenged. I am looking forward to my mission trip to Haiti. I am looking forward to my mission trip this summer to the Raleigh area. I am going to take every opportunity to minister in 2009 like never before! I am counting on God to use me to challenge and encourage the church. I am looking forward to being a willing vessel used by God in a phenomenal way! I am looking forward to all that God has for me! My goal for 09 is to do everything with excellence! I want to do everything as unto the Lord! Let God use you this upcoming year, make some plans, set some goals, make a difference for the Kingdom! I love you all. <><

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