
on blogging...

On blogging…

I really like writing on my blog! I enjoy taking the time and thinking about my life and sharing with those who mean so much to me. I believe my life experiences may help someone or maybe even provoke a thought. Hopefully, my blog brings you joy or pleasure or a chuckle! Many people are reading my blog but instead of responding on the blog site you are sending me email! I want everyone to know that I love getting email but if you are responding to the blog, please respond on the comment hyperlink at the end of each blog. The purpose of the blog is to create discussion. You may not agree with what I write, you may even hate what I write. I want to encourage you to respond to the blog. Others will be able to see your input and it might even cause them to respond to you! I will admit, I blog out of selfishness. I have a need to write these things down. When I sent these thought out in an email forum it was simply between the responder and me. Blogging opens dialogue and encourages discourse! My prayer is that many people will read my blog and respond! I love you all! <><

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you feel the need to write things down, because I get to read them. I love to write as well, just not publicly. Thank you for the things you write.