
Blessed are...

Blessed are those who mourn, because they will be comforted.
Matthew 5:4

Jesus in continuing His Sermon on the Mount and now shifts and talks about those who mourn! Many who read this passage may miss His real meaning. Those who mourn is referring to those who are repentant! He is talking about people who grieve over their lost friends! He is talking about people who are broken and have responded humbly to His grace. God is near those who are broken hearted! It is when we humble ourselves that we are closest to God. The people of God’s Kingdom are humble, not arrogant! So He is telling us in this verse “Blessed are those who are humble, those who desire for their friends to know Me and those who are broken, because you are going to be comforted.” I love the song that says, “I stand in awe of you, Jesus”. I know that is how it is going to be! When I see Him, I am going to stand or fall in awe of Him! What can I learn from this verse? I can learn that if I am humble I will be comforted. When I am humble, my life will be different! When I am humble, God is going to be near…I love you all!

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