
The "Flats"

What a day…

Sitting here today, safely back in civilization, I cannot help but reflect on my day yesterday fishing “the flats” with some great friends. I am not really a fisherman, but I do enjoy being outside and I really enjoy getting away from it all! Riding the air-boat away from the ramp reminded me what it must have been like in old Florida. Twisting and turning through the salt marsh, black needle rush grass and deeper pools beyond the oyster shoals are around every turn. With the air boat gliding across the oyster bars with ease as the sun was coming up across the horizon. Out there, in the salt marsh, the sun does not merely come up in the east; it comes up in the eastern horizon. The colors fill the sky and envelop you…even the western dark horizon is overwhelmed by the warming and colorful lights that a sunrise brings out on the flats. Being out here brings stimulates thoughts of simpler times, when the weight of the world and job seemed not to exist. The flats, and a day spent fishing is therapeutic! It wrestles the troubles right out of your grip! What more could you ask for? A day like this helps you to re-focus and realign your thoughts! What a day…I am very much looking forward to the next time I get to go! I love you all <><

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