
Blinded by the lighjt

Blinded by the light…

“As he traveled and was nearing Damascus, a light from heaven suddenly flashed around him.” Acts 9:3 HCSB

A little bit of light goes along way! Think about it, from 37,000 feet above the earth (around 7 miles), which by the way is around the altitude commercial aircraft travel you can see light! I love to fly at night! A little bit of light, car head lights, a front porch light, a bonfire can be seen seven miles above the earth! I often think about the song “This little light of mine.” You may find that kind of weird that I think about that song, but think about it! If I let my little light shine, and you let your little light shine, and all of our friends let their little lights shine! There would be a whole lot of light! In John’s gospel we see that “The light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it.” Other translations say, “The darkness did not understand or comprehend.” The fact is, that the light of Jesus has never blinded many people! Jesus is the light of the world! Paul experience with the light changed him forever! My experience with the Light made me different! What about you! Do you know the Light of the world? Personally? I pray that you do and I surly do love you all! Now, go and let your light shine!

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