
It has to start somewhere...

It has to start somewhere…

Today is a new beginning for me, as I will officially start my work at Hibernia Baptist Church. I am excited at the possibilities and look forward to what God has for me here! It is the beginning of a journey and it starts today!

Our spiritual journey through life has to start somewhere also! So today I want you as a believer to take some time and pray! I want you to ask God to do a great work in your life! Ask Him to totally rock your world and to reveal through scripture direction and purpose! Focus on what message God may have specifically for you! Every movement of God has to begin first with God, then as we make ourselves available by submitting totally to Him the movement begins in our lives! Can I tell you that when you are on a journey with God there is no telling where you might go! A journey with Christ is truly an adventure you will never forget! Scripture teaches, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) John understood that Jesus always was! He was with God in the beginning and He is seated at the right hand of God right now! We are on a journey! Is God with you? I pray that He is, because HE IS! Take some time today to declare your allegiance to the name that is above all names! Take a stand for Jesus…I love you all!<><

1 comment:

Grays Matter said...

I will be praying for you. I know you will be a great blessing to the people of Hibernia