
Won't you be my Prince of peace

Won’t you be my Prince of Peace…

Peace, many search for peace! To often people search for peace through worldly things because they believe that if they could just get more things, all will be ok! Unfortunately material items may bring you peace for a little while they will not bring lasting peace. New cars get old, new clothes fade, electronics outdate themselves so quickly and it always leaves us wanting more, better, faster, brighter so our quest for peace through things leaves us unfulfilled and weary. The writer of Ecclesiastes realized this in his on personal quest for the good life when he figures out in the very last chapter he simply writes “Fear God and keep His commands.” The Bible teaches us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! Believers need a healthy reverence for God! He is God! To those who truly know Him, they also know that He is true peace! Cease striving know that He is God! Peace! I love you all!

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