

Significance (October 3, 2008)

It was the best of times…it was the worst of times. At age 48, quickly approaching 49…my mind and body sometimes feels like Charles Dickens quote in the beginning of “a tale of two cities.” This morning I thought about my life! I reflected on how God’s hand has constantly directed the events that have played out in my life. I am beginning to realize that I am on the backside of life. I am not ready for retirement, not ready to look for a cane and a good whittling knife, but I do find my self more and more desiring to hang out with the old guys at down at Hardee’s in the morning. Do you think about your life? I loved Bob Buford’s statement in his book “Half Time” where he wanted to turn success in to significance! The Church needs to be significant in today’s culture! We need to reach out like never before! God has placed expectations on each of us! He has directed us to “Go therefore and make disciples…” We need to be about God’s business! We need to tell more people about Him, pray more and be significant! I want my grand children to be more significant than successful! Success is fleeting; significance is eternal. Are you making a difference for the Kingdom of God today! I love you all!!

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