
Modern day Pharisee

You have met them, you know who they are...they are in every walk of life, they are members of Churches, they are involved in sports leagues, they work with you, live next to you and are always telling you that you should live your life like they live. The problem with modern day Pharisee’s is that their walk never really aligns itself with their talk! I love the Church, because it truly is the bride of Christ! But the 21st century North American Church has been overwhelmed with modern day Pharisee’s . People who claim a relationship with Christ but show no evidence of a life change! People who for what ever reason want to enforce and impose rules in the name of “proper doctrine” that have no relevance in a relationship with Jesus! Don’t get me wrong here, I believe in the essential doctrines of faith from scripture but I also hold to the great commission and the great commandments! Modern Day Pharisee’s want to talk about how righteous they are, but wont take time to cross the street to share Christ with a lost neighbor. Modern day Pharisee’s are willing to confront the big sin in body (Church), but are unwilling to be convicted about the little sin in their own lives! They are the first to find fault in others but bow up when someone points out wrong in their lives! Jesus spoke of these people when He quoted the Prophet Isaiah in Matthew 15:8 “These people honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. They worship Me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commands of me.” The Modern day Pharisee is spewing a gospel that is not the same as our Lords! When Jesus looked at the masses, He was moved with compassion. We need to be moved with compassion and help people to understand systematic theology will not save you apart from a relationship with Christ! The Church needs to be hyper Evangelistic! God uses those who make them selves available! Think about what He accomplished with His first disciples. William Cary said “Expect great things from God, and attempt great things for God!” What are you willing to do for Jesus? This is the question that I have for you today! Following Christ cost you everything! But it is worth it! Live for Him today!

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