
A Spiritual Eye Exam

A Spiritual eye exam…

“…keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith…”
Hebrews 12:2a HCSB

The older I get the more dependent on my glasses I become! I was thinking this morning that I really need to make an eye exam to get the proper prescription instead of these drug store glasses that I normally wear. I need to be able to see! My job depends on it because I have to read so much, my site is very important! As I was thinking these things, I could not help but think that the 21st century church is in dire need of a spiritual eye exam. The Bible teaches us that we are not to conform to the patterns of the world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds! We know this, but the problem comes in when we develop the wandering eye syndrome. It is so easy for us to look into the world and see things that pull our eyes off Jesus! We forget that He is the “source” and “perfecter” of our faith! When we take our eyes off Him, our source sometimes has a way of changing! We start believing in self instead of the savior! Sometimes we develop the lazy eye syndrome, we try and keep our focus with one eye while the other lazily looks around at all the things going on! Can I tell you that you cannot have one foot in the church and the other in the world! It never works! How are your spiritual eyes this morning? Can you see the things that Jesus wants you to see? Turn to the great physician this morning and tell Him that you want a spiritual refraction to correct your spiritual vision! Turn to Jesus…He truly is the source of our faith! I love you all!

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