
Christmastime on Bearwallow

Christmastime on Bearwallow…

Cold, brown, bleak…dampness
The smell of wet leaves, wood smoke, coal soot
Trees…the bare branches moving in the cool air
Frost on the windows…behind the windows soft lights from lamps on end tables
Warmth from a gas stove…warm socks on wood floors…a ten year olds dream
Wonderful smells wafting from the kitchen…iron beds…mattresses to soft…wardrobes with secret drawers. A pocket knife, colored lights on a fresh cut cedar that does not fit well in the stand…simple ornaments, each one having a specific and special meaning…conjuring thoughts of Christmas’ past
The here and now…grand children…children…family and friends, a season of joy, a season of hope! A love for God and a love for people…memories that transport you back to a place and a season…Christmastime on Bearwallow…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this! But don't forget hauling water, brushing your teeth and spitting off the back portch, washing our hands in a little pan on a stool with a sliver of soap sitting in it...and George Howard hiding and scaring us with his scarey stories....and breaking into 4 part harmony on the Christmas songs! Great times!