
The invitation

The invitation…

I really looked up to my grand mother! She was an intriguing person I very much wanted to be like! She knew all of the trees of the forest, and she could name all of the birds and tell you of their habits. She could even throw an apple core through a hog wire fence at 50 paces. She was an amazing person. On the wall in the living room of my grand mama’s house hung an invitation. It was an invitation to President John F. Kennedy’s inauguration. How she got it I will never know other than the fact she was an amazing person. Recently I thought about that invitation and why it hung on her wall for so long. My grandmother and John Kennedy were in two different worlds. He was very rich she was very poor. He was Catholic; she was quasi Church of Christ and Free Will Baptist (what a strange combination) He was a Yankee and She was a Southern Lady so why this invitation was so important to her I have yet to figure out. My Grandmother did not attend the inauguration. There would have been no way for her to afford it. But she cherished the invitation anyway because it was an important event; she had faith in the office of the President of the United States of America. We too have been given an invitation…it is from the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. It is an invitation to spend eternity with a Holy God. It is an invitation to experience heaven here, and in the here after. Jesus is calling! Will you accept the invitation that will totally change your life? I sure hope so. I love you all!

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