
To eternity and beyond

To eternity and beyond…

I just love the movie “Toy Story”. I am so stoked that it is going to be back in the theater again very soon and that they are also working on a Toy Story three. I am looking forward to seeing it with my grand daughter’s. Every time I watch the movie, I see something in the movie that I must have missed in previous viewings. Each time I watch the movie, it is almost like a different movie because of the new things and thoughts that i now see. The writers of the movie are very creative. I love how they develop the story line and the characters. I love all the characters, but I especially love Buzz! I love his slogan, his theme verse, “to infinity and beyond”.
I have often thought about that very statement. Even though I love the movie that statement is far from being accurate. We as humans cannot understand infinity. Some people like to think they understand infinity, but in reality we were created very finite. Only God is infinite! Our minds are not capable of infinite thoughts. We can only speculate!
So I decided to change the slogan a little! I sure hope that PIXAR forgives me, but since I cannot understand infinity, I looked for something that I can understand, eternity. Jesus says “For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him, will not parish, but have everlasting life. What is everlasting life? It is something that is eternal, something that last forever! I have been around this world for almost 50 years now. In my journey, I know of only one thing that is eternal. And that is a relationship with Jesus! Only God can offer eternal life. And that eternal life that I am speaking of only begins in a real relationship with His only Son! My prayer for you today is that your slogan also can be “to eternity and beyond…”

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