

Distractions...the devils tool

Distractions, everyone deals with them! They keep us from being what we could be; they take our focus off what is important; cause us to stumble and become overwhelmed; they cause us to throw in the towel and just give up! I am convinced that distractions are the things that keep the 21st North American Church from ministering to and seeing a mighty movement of God take place! When we (the church) are focused on internal issues our external vision becomes clouded and we cannot see the possibilities that God has for us on the horizon! Scripture teaches us that without vision, people parish. Never before in the history of the church have we seen so many people fall away and become distracted! Our mission (because of distractions) has become flawed and we are failing to teach and utilize one of best and brightest generations to ever have lived! Just this morning as I am writing this note, my phone has rang, I have received numerous tweets and text, and my mac updated it self requiring me to have to restart my computer, which made me save the document and allow it to happen! I can see that you are thinking...you did not have to answer the phone, or accept the tweets and text...you certainly did not have to update your mac at that exact second which brings me to my point! We are distracted...we (or at least I) allow things around me to take my focus off the important things in life! We allow distractions to pull our focus off the object of our being! We were created to worship God and so many times because of external distractions we are not completely able to focus in on Him! The bible teaches us that if we delight our selves in the Lord, that He will give us the desires of our hearts! I am convinced today that many believers are so overwhelmed with the distractions of life that a real and intimate relationship with God is non existent! We (believers) are so busy being all things to all people that we are able to accomplish many little things with minimal significance and miss out on the God sized things that are of maximum significance for the kingdom! The 21st Century North American Church has a major case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We want to major on the minor things and the major things like the gospel, and discipleship fall to the way side. Talk to any ADHD Church in America and they will tell you the Gospel and discipleship are of the utmost importance but in reality so many times they keep the church from accomplishing the non-significant man created task that are always present! So many times these well intended distractions keep us from doing what we were created to accomplish! We need to focus! Focus on the things that our Lord says were important! I believe if we are faithful in the main things, our ministry to the lost world will abound! So today, take some time! Turn off the television and cell phone, step away from the computer and pick up your favorite bible and read! Concentrate on the words, ask God for revelation...ask Him to speak to your heart and accept the transformation that begins to take place! If know one else tells you, I am telling you it is alright to step away from the demands that people place on you! It is alright to turn off the technology and bask in the presence of a Holy God! Focus today, don’t let distractions keep you from being what God intends for you to be! I love you all! <><

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