
a patriates rant

Sometimes I find my self in a situation where I am not very comfortable with all that is going on around me! This past week has been one of those weeks! I am wondering, what has happened to our country? Have we thrown in the towel! Don’t get me wrong, I believe in the Sovereignty of God and I know He is totally in control. But as a veteran and a patriate I cannot help but be a little melancholy as I see what is quickly becoming of a country that I have defended, loved and supported. Our Government has its hand in everything. What totally blows me away is no one is challenging the fed! The media has been serenaded by the presidents cronies and he is getting the free pass on everything. Lavish date nights at taxpayers expense with thousands of Americans out of work and wondering how they are going to make ends meet! Photo opportunities for Air Force One and the public afraid because of the memory of 9/11 and still this darling of the media is not brought to task! The King of America does as he pleases and if anyone questions his motives are dismissed as a right wing radical. What happened to the balance of power that our country was founded on. Are we afraid to stand up and let our voices be heard? I realize that I am not going to like everything that our government does. But lately, I cannot find anything about our government that I do like! Where is the standard? If I as an average american acted like the government, spending out of control, changing laws to serve my purposes I would be arrested!, If I made a statement like the King’s choice for Supreme Court Justice, I would be labeled a racist. Her statement in my opinion set the civil rights movement back 60 years. What has happened to American pride and ingenuity? The Heartbeat of America is more than bankrupt, it is controlled by an organization that was not designed to run a automobile manufacturer. I cannot believe that the company that built the best cars on the planet is owned by a government that does not know how to do anything but tax and spend. I honestly believe we are seeing the beginning of the end of General Motors. As inept as our leaders are it is a matter of time before we see all of our cars being built somewhere else. We are living in a world where the best and brightest fail to understand the price that was paid for our liberty and freedom. This past week, I attended a Graduation and as the Pledge to our Flag and our National Anthem was being played people continued to carry on conversations and move around. What has happened to our sense of patriotism. Our National pride is at an all time low! So many Americans have a entitlement mindset, they believe the Government will take care of their problems! We need to be part of the solution, not the problem! I am all about less Government! I believe drastic measures need to be taken! As Americans, lets call our government to task! Let us act like the super power that we are. Let us remember that we are a nation governed by the people...for the people! The King needs to realize that he is an elected person and that 2012 is coming. He also needs to understand that never before in the history of our country have we been more polarized, He has been elected to represent all Americans, Why is it, that I don’t feel like he cares about how I feel? I think of the African Americans in my town. He does not understand what they need, and they are so far removed from him...I have much more in common with those Americans then he ever will! I am praying tonight! I am praying that God does not remove His hand from this once great nation! I am praying for our so called leaders...I am calling on them to lead! Unite our country! May God truly bless you all!

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