
its a matter of perspective

It is matter of perspective

Tonight I watched my 4 year old nephew open a toy shaving kit and go bananas! He was so excited and as far as he was concerned Christmas was over. He loved his gift! He was ready to head for the shower to try out his new toy! Apparently Andrew had wanted to shave for some time, or at least the last couple of months. Me on the other hand, I hate shaving. I have always hated shaving. If my wife would kiss me, I would probably go for the Grizzly Adams look. I thought back to when I actually started shaving and never can remember liking it. Andrew is looking forward to taking a toy razor and shaving his baby face. It is a matter of perspective. One mans joy is another mans burden! Andrew, enjoy your shave and for me, I think I can slide at least one more day before I have to be presentable! I love you all! <><


BRutherford said...

That is the way it is with a lot of things. Then there are some things that we want for so bad and when we get them we find that its not as great as you thought. I am so greatful that Jesus is not like that, He is everything I expected and soooo much more than I could have ever imagined.

Jeffery Stockdale said...


kdperry said...

Loved it, Jeff!