
Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace

You cannot go back and change a past that you created…

But you can be at peace!

Peace…illusive peace…scripture teaches us “Blessed are the peacemakers because they will become the sons of God!” I have purposed and determined to be a peacemaker!

I am determined through dialogue and discourse to disarm and defuse situations that are not peaceful.

I want to be known as a “Son of God”

I want to bring comfort and reconciliation, I want to be a medium of grace, I not only want to live and exude peace I want to be known as a person of peace…

Real peace comes when men sent from a Holy God, sit down at a table of negotiation and search from the scriptures for solutions…

Men who stand on their convictions but also listen and learn from others ideals!

I believe that there can be peace without compromise…

Peace comes when people discuss peace, maybe agreeing to disagree, maybe by giving up something little to gain so much more

Peace, also known as grace truly is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense!

Peace needs to be on our radar; Simon Peter encourages us to keep our love for one another at “Full Strength”! Peter realized that “Love” or “grace” or “peace” covers a multitude of sin. Real peace will help us to see other people the way God sees them. Love always covers our (believers) shortcomings!

My prayer is that when people look at me they look through the eyes of love!


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